Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I've got Sneaky Plans and Clever Tricks....

OMG - have you ever read the Enormous Crocodile to a group of 3rd graders? It is one of the funniest books to share with kids - and I've completely fallen in love with it. I have the enormous crocodile's voice in my head right now as I write this blog post.

So, the question is, what are MY sneaky plans and clever tricks? I'm crossing the road with my stories. I'm contorting myself to do the job. I've started the Kids Fic Critique Group, and have been submitting stories for feedback. Next step - placing them in the envelope, and sending them off with a kiss. In the past, I've been exclusive with my submissions - but not any more. Nope. I'm going broader, baby, and I can't wait. Sneaky plans, clever tricks, and lots of stamps in this girls future. Also considering pseudonym's - because as much as my writing is about following my bliss - it's also about getting readers to pick my books off the shelf. I have a long, unpronounceable last name, and I'm afraid it will scare readers away. What's in a name anyway, right Dr. Seuss? Anyhow, I'm considering names that have meaning to me - I'm not going to go out there and grab a trendy name. I still have family values. I'm not selling out, yet. For now, I'm going to walk the walk and make it so.

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