Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Night at the Roundtable

When I first moved to the West Coast 5 months ago I joined two groups - the Writer's Society and the Children's Literature Roundtable. Both give me an opportunity to pursue my life as a writer of children's fiction - and provide a chance to get out of the house once in a while without the boys.

Last night's Roundtable event was lovely in many ways - I felt like things were finally coming together, and that I was on solid ground. The speakers were Michelle Mulder and Robin Stevenson, and they talked about writing for children, and their experiences getting published. I had met these two months ago at my very first Roundtable night - they chatted with me about living on the coast, about writing, and about our families. I was surprised last night that they remembered me (something in me thinks I am forgettable), and they asked if I was settled in, and how my writing was going. It was nice, you know? Hearing them talk about their journey to become published made me realize that I am closer. Their story could easily be my story.

So, what is the difference between a published author and a wannabee? Persistence, me thinks! I need to do more of the business side of things - writing submission letters, sending them off, and I need to continue to write. If I see myself as a writer, then I am a writer - published or not. Right? Still though, it would be nice to see my books on the library shelf - or rather, not on the shelf - but at the check-out counter, ready to go.

And I am ready, I realize that now. Thank you Roundtable. Thank you Michelle and Robbin. Thank you.

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