Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"All About Networking...."

A long busy day today, and it's that moment just before bed when I think back to all I've done and said and heard and saw and this is what I came up with: "it's all about networking". That sums up my day. Well, most of it. I'm not sure the bike problem was networking, but you never know.

First, boys to school. Kieran wanted desperately to ride his bike because he's just learned without training wheels. Liam, not one to be outdone, also wanted to ride. So, I walked pushing Aidan in the stroller and the big boys biked. Except by the time I got to the school I was dripping with sweat, had a scowl on my face, was possibly cursing under my breath, and my heart would not return to it's regular calm beating. I nearly had a thousand kittens on the way to school. Watching Kieran hit the ditch and ride straight down the bumpy, grassy hill with his feet out to the sides like a double kickstand, heading straight for either a pine tree or into the blackberry bush. Me yelling, "hit the brakes!" and not having enough time to do anything about it--I almost let go of Aidan on the hill heading into the depths of traffic hell which is the mad rush of parents dropping their children off before hurrying to work themselves. And the scene from Battleship Potemkin running through my head as I imagined the pram bumping it's way to the stairs.

After that fiasco I went to a meeting for spouses and listened to women give tips about the job search on the island. "It's all about networking", they said. I sat there feeling pretty good--replaying last nights outing to the Children's Literature Roundtable, and anticipating another night out at the fiction writer's critique group that I would attend later that day.

And so the day is over now and I couldn't help but think "okay, I'm networking..." all the while I smiled and listened, and looked and commented. Now, what will come? We can't see what's around the bend, so I leave it in God's hands.

Now, should I let the boys bike again tomorrow? I'm not sure my ticker will take it!

1 comment:

Becca said...

"And the scene from Battleship Potemkin running through my head as I imagined the pram bumping it's way to the stairs."

Hahahaha--I can see it all now!