Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blue water's my daughter, I'm gonna skip like a stone. . .

Okay, I like Tom Waits, or some of his songs. The lyrics are amazing and at times strike a chord deep within me. When I left Owen Sound, I felt a need to be near the water, and was fortunate that Trent University was situated on the Otonabee River. My first summer away from home I worked at the Peterborough Marina, and my love of the water was fed well then. Growing up in a harbour town imprinted certain things in me, I'm sure. Like the names of boats. It was second nature to read the names of the ships as we passed them. I think the longing of a connection with my father was always there too. When I was old enough to row the boat at the cottage, I used to take my journal or whatever book I was reading out with me. I'd row to the little rocky island, or just a little out and drop anchor. And just float. God, that was when I felt real, and alive, and connected, and like anything in the world was possible.

When I moved out West, I was again in a city with a river, but none of the big ships. Still, I loved to walk along the Meewasin Trail and watch the pelicans scooping up their dinner, or see the lone beaver minding it's own business. I loved the walk across the bridge in the early morning, and again, the world was full of possibilites and hope.

And now, I'm on an island, and I feel so at home. On my morning walks with Aidan, I like to go to the highest point on the Goose near our place so I can see the Inlet. If nobody's looking, I salute it. I can't imagine ever wanting to leave.

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