Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Croup[id] rhymes with stupid. . . .

We're at the hospital - Aidan was admitted yesterday so they could keep an eye on him. It made for an interesting night. His crib looks like a cage (it has a lid so he won't get out). The meds he was given made him hyper - so it was like watching a baby gorilla swinging through a metal jungle. He was in good spirits during that time - thank goodness. I wore him out with his favourite finger plays, and he finally got some rest.

I'm writing from the parent lounge - it's nice that hospitals are wired so we don't feel so out of touch! Hoping to be discharged and out of the cage later today, or tomorrow. I hope Aidan's good spirits stay up - and that he can rest and get well for his grandparents visit on Wednesday.


BookChook said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery and some new finger plays just in case!

Carol N. said...

Thanks so much! He's still sick, but much better than before - we were released from the hospital, and he actually had energy for three renditions of his favourite rhyme: "Wind the Bobbin Up!"