Monday, December 15, 2008

Croup Rhymes with Group

Croup is such an ugly word. Rhymes with group for a reason, I guess - because the bloody thing gets us working together to try to control it. James and I were on a relay team taking Aidan into the steam-filled bathroom 6 times last night - it was the only way to help him breath. Poor little pumpkin sounded like a squeaky toy, it was quite scary. Scary because it came on so quick! Yesterday he was fine, and enjoyed a little time in the snow (did this bring it on?).

Luckily we could help him breath with the steam, otherwise it might have been a sleigh ride to Emergency. Yesterday was our first snow on the Island, and the hill outside our house was so slick with ice, cars/trucks/vans were sliding backwards while trying to get up. The power went out for a couple of hours, we steamed him by candlelight, and I rocked him in the rocking chair so long my shoulder feels like it's dislocated this morning.

Still, though, all these complaints, and I'm grateful. My mom used to say, "it could be worse," and she's right. It wasn't heart surgery (we already did that). We can handle anything - it's just hard to be brave and take it with grace when you're in desperate need of a nap! I think of others out there who are in the hospital right now, with less sleep and more fear, and I'm humbled.

The day can only go up from here!


Becca said...

Well, I'm jealous of the snow, but certainly not of poor little Aidan's croup. I have a hard time watching Samantha go through a cold--I can't imagine what it must be like with something more serious. I'm sorry you guys wound up in the hospital, but they'll provide good care, I'm sure. :-(

Carol N. said...

Thanks, Becca! Aidan is doing a lot better now, though still has some trouble breathing (but luckily, not emergency-room trouble - touch wood).