Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Past 10000

Have you ever heard of a Runner's High? Well, I've got a writer's high. I'm so excited about this novel, I am nearly bursting! It's a very personal story, and in order to tell it honestly and as truly as possible (the real bits), I am planning to use a pseudonym. Strange, isn't it? I've wanted my whole life to be published and to be a writer and make my family proud, and now I'm not even going to use my real name!

So, how does one go about choosing a new name? I've been brainstorming names that have meaning for me - and trying out a first name that is a little similar to my own. I don't want anything pretentious or glamorous, but one that seems a natural fit for me.

I'm open for suggestions - anyone see a perfect-fit name for me?

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