Dear blog,
I love you, I really do. Please don't feel neglected. . . I still think highly of you! I just haven't written much. You know that novel I was working on? Well, it was interrupted.
Here's what happened:
The big boys came home for summer holidays.
End of story.
My scribbling stopped. Taken over by frequent swing pushing, soccer ball kicking, and a multitude of bandaiding.
But, I have come back to scribbling, and am hopeful to not stray so far again.
The good news is, I was published this Spring in
Island Writer Magazine. It was a non-fiction piece called,
The Crematorium and Other Views. Not a very upbeat title for someone who proclaims to write children's stories to make you smile! But, it was well received when I read it at the book launch. Here I am after the reading:
And there's the book I'm published in. Oh, happy day - oh most courageous hour!
So dear blog, I do solemnly swear to return to you more often.
I will also eat cookies.
Love and happy writing,
Carol N.